Inspiring Esthetician Room Ideas for 2024

Choosing esthetician room ideas when designing your new salon is an essential step when starting your own esthetician business.

With all of the esthetician designs being shown online and in industry publications, it can take time to decide on an esthetician interior design that works for you.

What You Will Learn

In this article, we’ll look at esthetician room ideas and what you can do with your space, as well as some examples of popular esthetician room decor themes for estheticians.

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  1. How to Design an Esthetician Room?
  2. Esthetician Room Design Ideas to Best Utilize Your Space
  3. Esthetician Interior Decor Ideas to Impress Your Clientele
  4. Conclusion

How to Design an Esthetician Room?


Choose a Layout

Choosing the right layout for your esthetician room will help set the tone for your entire business. A good layout will allow light and people to flow easily through your space while still providing a private or comfortable feel for clients during services.

You’ll have to consider different things, including your esthetician business budget, your staff’s needs, and the architectural features and limitations of the location itself.

Depending on how your location is designed, you may want to go with:

  • Small esthetician room ideas - these tiny spaces are designed for multipurpose uses and can be unique, with combined services able to be completed in one area and furniture that’s either multifunctional or has a smaller footprint.
  • Suite esthetician layout - offering estheticians privacy and autonomy, suites usually include the freedom to decorate or design your own small space and are increasingly popular options for those who want to rent their own location within an esthetician.
  • Multiple room esthetician layout - walls can be used to separate esthetician suites, or they can be placed across certain areas for clients who prefer privacy during their visit. This can work well if your esthetician offers services such as waxing or massage, which require more privacy. You can even put up curtains across certain areas or screen them off for the same effect.

Choose a Theme

Some of the best esthetician decor ideas are based on a single theme. Estheticians that subscribe to this strategy select a concept or overall “vibe” and use this to help shape the design and details of the esthetician, including everything from the walls and mirrors to the lighting, sign, and even the furniture.

For instance…

  • Minimalism - a simple design details, clean and professional design without too many things on the walls or a lot of furniture. You might choose white or light-colored walls to accentuate the style. This is one of the top options for making a modern or smaller esthetician feel comfortable and roomy.
  • Natural - this design favors eco-friendly, earth tones and natural elements such as wooden furniture or shelves, curtains made from natural fabrics, lots of plants and light. You may also want to include fair-trade or eco-friendly wall art or a place in the reception area.
  • Retro - fun and nostalgic, this theme creates an atmosphere like the good old days, with design elements ranging from the “funky” retro, including vintage decor items on the walls and brightly-colored, cute design details, etc.
  • Luxury - expensive and exclusive are the adjectives that describe this design theme. Every item you see should communicate elegance and luxury, from your marble sinks to good floor polish. This is the esthetician that people visit when they want to feel like royalty.
  • Modern - ideal for an esthetician who boasts the latest services and technology, you may want to design your location with a sleek and modern esthetician decor. This can include floor-to-ceiling mirrors, shelves with a small footprint, and even one or two colors that “pop” instead of the more traditional black and white decor.
How to design an esthetician room?
How to Design an Esthetician Room?

Choose a Colour Scheme

First, decide which color or colors represent your esthetician brand. Often, these will also be present on your esthetician logo.

Next, check out how these colors will look if you use them on the interior. The results might surprise you - sometimes, what looks great outdoors or in natural lighting doesn’t work as well indoors.

White is often a good choice because it reflects light well, but it might not work with your specific esthetician design or theme, so keep an open mind and have fun. You can achieve a lot with a simple color blocking technique or using the same color per area. Gold spray paint might be the right choice for you if you're going for more luxury decor.

Choose Lighting

Good quality esthetician lighting can enhance the design theme you are going for and is necessary to work and to create the right atmosphere.

On a practical level, your team will need enough light to see and do their work well without straining their eyes.

Of course, you would need different lighting for your beauty space, treatment rooms, and waiting room. The right lighting (or adjustable lighting) can improve an esthetician's attention to detail during services. A flattering lighting level (instead of harsh fluorescent bulbs) can make a client’s visit more pleasant and increase their overall satisfaction. Over-the-top chandeliers could work great in waiting rooms.

Consider Your Clients’ Perspective

Even the best esthetician room decor ideas need to take into account your target clientele perspective.

Start by considering the age and demographic you’re hoping to target as your clients, then look online and at other successful esthetician businesses in the community to get in touch with some ideas that might work for you.

Consider Hiring a Professional

Although this can cost more than doing the planning and research on your own, you’ll get esthetician ideas from someone who’s being paid to deliver professional results.

A professional decorator or designer won’t miss any detail, and in the end, you’ll save time and money and get 100% of the quality that you’re looking for in your esthetician business design. Just make sure they fully understand the esthetician room requirements.

We recommend you to check out our post on esthetician equipment list.

Esthetician Room Design Ideas to Best Utilize Your Space

  • Install hidden storage wherever you can, including recessed or hidden shelves and cabinets
  • Put your main retail area where clients can reach the products easily to encourage them to browse and make purchases
  • Use mirrors to expand the space, especially if you have fewer windows or a narrow layout
  • Try using floor levelling and colors to differentiate areas. This works well if you offer multiple services, such as nail care or spa services, but you can use it for the reception area.
  • Use darker colors where stains are common, such as on cs, in coloring areas or even at the backwash stations.
  • You can use plants as partitions (no fake plants!) and to improve acoustics, especially across areas where multiple estheticians and clients share a common floor space.
  • Try using lighting as a zoning tool. This works well when you want to divide areas based on the level of light needed to complete a service or set a relaxing mood as clients wait for their color to develop, for example.
  • Avoid leaving your walls empty. Nobody likes to stare at a blank while wall while they wait. Even if your decor is minimalist, you should still use some wall art or art to break up the space and add a bit of color.
  • Make sure to plan for any future adjustments. Even the best award-winning esthetician interiors are likely to undergo some changes as the needs of clients and stylists change over time.

Esthetician Interior Decor Ideas to Impress Your Clientele


If you’re still wondering how to decorate your esthetician business, we’ve put together some examples to help inspire you.

Contemporary Esthetician Room

Benessere Esthetic Spa
Benessere Esthetic Spa
ENCY Esthetics
ENCY Esthetics

Esthetician Suite Ideas


Esthetician Treatment Room Ideas

Kristen Marie & Co.
Kristen Marie & Co.

Esthetician Spa Room Ideas

Tea House Spa

Small Esthetician Room Ideas

Esthetics by Paula
Esthetics by Paula

Do not miss our post on esthetician quotes.



Every esthetician space should be unique and reflect the personality of the brand and the clients. You can read up online and research different esthetician room ideas that inspire you, then pick and choose elements from each esthetician design and make them your own.

Having a great-looking esthetician room can make your salon a cut above the rest. But before you start worrying about what your esthetician business looks like on the outside, you need to ensure that it’s running smoothly internally.

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